"We conclude that, in the field of public education, the doctrine of  ‘separate but equal’  has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal."

- Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954)

Court ordered desegregation led to a:

  • 30% increase

    in graduation rates for Black students

  • 20% increase

    in graduation rates for Hispanic students

  • 22% decrease

    in poverty for Black students

Seventy years later it is still true that separate is inherently unequal.

Educational resources—money, great teachers, rigorous coursework, and more—remain correlated to the whiteness of a school or district’s student body. That’s wrong. But it’s reality.

And schools today are as racially segregated as they were in the late 1960s.

If we want to give students of color equal educational opportunity—and if we want to prepare students of every race to thrive in an increasingly diverse, interconnected world—children from all backgrounds need to learn together in excellent, well-resourced, diverse schools led by diverse educators.

Together we can build the future our children deserve.

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